Available Macros

Last modified by Frank Fock on 2024/08/16 09:41

activityActivity (legacy)NotificationsProvide a macro implemented with the Notifications Application to keep a backward compatibility with Activity Stream.Current Wiki
anchorLegacy Confluence bridge for AnchorDeprecatedLegacy Confluence bridge for AnchorCurrent Wiki
asyncAsync macroContentExecute asynchronously and/or cache the macro content.Global
attachmentGalleryPickerAttachment PickerDevelopmentGrid based attachment picker.Global
attachmentSelectorAttachment SelectorDevelopmentA control to be used for object properties of the current page that are supposed to contain the name of an attachment from the current (or target) page. Allows uploading new attachments, and deleting attachments from the target page.  If no target page is specified, the current page will be used. Object properties are only saved to the current page.Current Wiki
boxBoxFormattingDraw a box around provided content.Global
buttonButton MacroInsert a noticeable, clickable button on your XWiki page to highlight links and create call to actions!Global
cacheCacheDevelopmentCaches content.Global
chartChartContentDisplays a graphical chart generated from miscellaneous data sourcesGlobal
childrenChildrenNavigationDisplays a tree of children pages of the current pageCurrent Wiki
codeCodeFormattingHighlights code snippets of various programming languagesGlobal
columnConfluence bridge for ColumnDeprecatedConfluence bridge for the Column macro.Global
commentCommentDevelopmentAllows putting comments in the source content. This macro doesn't output anything.Global
confluence_attachmentsConfluence bridge for AttachmentsConfluenceConfluence bridge for the Attachment macroCurrent Wiki
confluence_childrenConfluence bridge for ChildrenConfluenceConfluence bridge for the Children macro using the XWiki document tree macro.Global
confluence_columnConfluence bridge for ColumnConfluenceConfluence bridge for the Column macro.Current Wiki
confluence_contentbylabelConfluence bridge for Content by labelConfluence Bridge for the Content by label macro
confluence_detailsConfluence bridge for DetailsConfluence Bridge for the Details (Page Properties) macro. It allows defining property key-value pairs in a table contained in the macro. Global
confluence_detailssummaryConfluence bridge for Details SummaryConfluence bridge for the Details Summary (Page Properties Report) macro to display properties attached to a page using the Details macro.Global
confluence_drawioConfluence bridge for DrawioConfluenceConfluence Bridge for the Drawio macro. By default it displays the PNG file used by the Drawio macro to preview the diagram. The user has the option to convert the diagram into an XWiki Diagram for being able to modify it.Global
confluence_floatFloat macroConfluence bridge for the Float macro using the XWiki box macroGlobal
confluence_galleryConfluence bridge for GalleryConfluenceConfluence Bridge for the Gallery macro.Global
confluence_gliffyConfluence bridge for GliffyConfluenceConfluence Bridge for the Gliffy macro. By default it displays the PNG file used by the Gliffy macro to preview the diagram. The user has the option to convert the diagram into an XWiki Diagram for being able to modify it.Global
confluence_htmlcommentConfluence Bridge for HTML CommentConfluence Bridge for HTML Comment macro.Global
confluence_layoutConfluence bridge for LayoutConfluenceConfluence bridge macro for the Layout macro to define a layout, containing layout sections (using the confluence_layout-section macro).Global
confluence_layout-cellConfluence bridge for Layout CellConfluenceConfluence bridge for the Layout Cell macro. It is used for defining a part a layout section, used inside the confluence_layout-section macro.Global
confluence_layout-sectionConfluence bridge for Layout SectionConfluenceConfluence bridge for the Layout Section macro. It is used to define a section of a layout, used inside the layout macro and containing layout cells.Current Wiki
confluence_mathblockConfluence bridge for MathblockConfluenceConfluence bridge for the Mathblock macro (LaTeX math block expressions).Global
confluence_mathblock-refConfluence bridge for Mathblock ReferenceConfluenceConfluence bridge macro for the Mathblock Reference macroGlobal
confluence_mathinlineConfluence bridge for MathinlineConfluenceConfluence bridge macro for the Mathinline macro (LaTeX math inline expressions).Global
confluence_mockupConfluence bridge for MockupConfluenceConfluence Bridge for the Balsamiq Mockup macro. It only displays the image preview of the mockup. Global
confluence_multimediaConfluence bridge for MultimediaConfluenceConfluence Bridge for the Multimedia macro.Global
confluence_noteConfluence bridge for NoteConfluenceConfluence bridge for the Note macro to the XWiki Success macroGlobal
confluence_outgoing-linksConfluence Outgoing LinksContentConfluence bridge macro for outgoing-links.Global
confluence_pagetreeConfluence bridge for Page TreeConfluenceConfluence Bridge for the Confluence Page Tree macro to the XWiki documentTree macro.Global
confluence_paste-code-macroConfluence bridge for Paste Code MacroConfluenceConfluence bridge for the Confluence Paste Code macro to the XWiki Code macroGlobal
confluence_sectionConfluence bridge for SectionConfluenceConfluence bridge for the Section macro
confluence_timeConfluence bridge for TimeConfluenceConfluence bridge for the Time macroGlobal
confluence_tipConfluence bridge for TipConfluenceConfluence bridge for the Tip macro to the XWiki Success macroGlobal
confluence_toc-zoneConfluence Toc ZoneContentConfluence bridge macro for toc-zone.Global
confluence_wireframeConfluence bridge for Balsamiq WireframeConfluenceConfluence Bridge for the Balsamiq Wireframe macro. It only displays the image preview of the wireframe.Global
containerContainerLayoutA macro to enclose multiple groups and add decoration, such as layout.Global
contentContentContentAllows writing content in any wiki markupGlobal
content-report-tableContent Report Table MacroProvides a content report in table format, based on labels.Global
contextContextDevelopmentExecutes content in the context of the passed pageGlobal
contributorsContributorsContributors Confluence Bridge macro to show the contributors of a given document.Global
dashboardDashboardLayoutA macro to define a dashboard to fill with gadgets.Global
dateDateUse the date macro to set and format due dates within task macros and more!Global
diagramDiagramContentDisplays a diagram.Current Wiki
displayDisplayContentDisplay other pages into the current page.Global
displayIconIconContentDisplay an icon.Global
documentsPagesContentDisplays a list of pages in a LivetableCurrent Wiki
documentTreePage TreeNavigationDisplays the tree of XWiki pages.Current Wiki
drawioLegacy unprefixed Confluence bridge for DrawioDeprecatedLegacy Unprefixed Confluence Bridge for the Drawio macro. By default it displays the PNG file used by the Drawio macro to preview the diagram. The user has the option to convert the diagram into an XWiki Diagram for being able to modify it.Global
errorError MessageFormattingDisplays an error message note.Global
exampleExampleFormattingShows an example and its source code.Current Wiki
excerptExcerptExcerpt macro. It marks part of the page's content for use by other macros. It is compatible with the Confluence Excerpt macro.Global
excerpt-includeExcerptBridge for the Confluence Excerpt macro. It marks part of the page's content for use by other macros.Current Wiki
expandExpandAdd the Expand macro to your page to provide content in an expandable / collapsible section.

This is one of Confluence's most popular macros. It's great for: visually reducing the amount of information on a page, breaking process information down into clickable steps, hiding background or obsolete information, while still keeping it on the page for future reference.

The macro is collapsed by default, people need to click each one to expand it. There's no way to expand all macros on a page at once, however all Expand macros are automatically expanded when you print or export the page to PDF.
Current Wiki
footnoteFootnoteContentGenerates a footnote to display at the end of the page.Global
galleryGalleryLayoutDisplays the images found in the provided content using a slide-show view.Global
gliffyLegacy unprefixed Confluence bridge for GliffyDeprecatedLegacy Unprefixed Confluence Bridge for the Gliffy macro. By default it displays the PNG file used by the Gliffy macro to preview the diagram. The user has the option to convert the diagram into an XWiki Diagram for being able to modify it.Global
groovyGroovyDevelopmentExecute a groovy script.Global
hide-ifHide ifContentHide the content of this macro if the condition set through the parameters is met.Global
htmlHTMLDevelopmentInserts HTML or XHTML code into the page.Global
iconPickerIcon PickerDevelopmentSelect an icon within the XWiki icon set.Current Wiki
idIdNavigationAllows putting a reference/location in a page. In HTML for example this is called an Anchor. It allows pointing to that location, for example in links.Global
includeIncludeContentInclude other pages into the current page.Global
infoInfo MessageFormattingDisplays an info message note.Global
jwplayerJW PlayerContentThe JW Player is an open-source embeddable media player for web sites, supporting many commonly-used audio and video formats. The player is easy to configure, customize and extend.Current Wiki
layoutLegacy unprefixed Confluence bridge for LayoutDeprecatedLegacy Unprefixed Confluence bridge macro for the Layout macro to define a layout, containing layout sections (using the confluence_layout-section macro).Global
layout-cellLegacy unprefixed Confluence bridge for Layout CellDeprecatedLegacy Unprefixed Confluence bridge for the Layout Cell macro. It is used for defining a part a layout section, used inside the confluence_layout-section macro.Global
layout-sectionLegacy unprefixed Confluence bridge for Layout SectionDeprecatedLegacy Unprefixed Confluence bridge for the Layout Section macro. It is used to define a section of a layout, used inside the layout macro and containing layout cells.Global
liveDataLive DataContentDisplay dynamic lists of data.Global
locationSearchLocation searchSearch in the given location.Current Wiki
mathblockLegacy unprefixed Confluence bridge for MathblockDeprecatedLegacy Unprefixed Confluence bridge for the Mathblock macro (LaTeX math block expressions).Global
mathblock-refLegacy unprefixed Confluence bridge for Mathblock ReferenceDeprecatedLegacy Unprefixed Confluence bridge macro for the Mathblock Reference macroGlobal
mathinlineLegacy unprefixed Confluence bridge for MathinlineDeprecatedLegacy Unprefixed Confluence bridge macro for the Mathinline macro (LaTeX math inline expressions).Global
mathjaxMathJaxContentEnter content supported by the MathJax javascript engine.Current Wiki
mentionUser MentionNotificationsInsert a user mention.Current Wiki
menuMenuNavigationDisplays a menu created using simple wiki syntax (nested lists and links).Global
messageSenderMessage SenderSocialA control that allows users to enter messages that are handled by the MessageStream module.Current Wiki
missingLicenseMessageMissing License MessageDisplay an error message when the extension does not have a valid license.Global
mockupLegacy unprefixed Confluence bridge for MockupDeprecatedLegacy Unprefixed Confluence Bridge for the Balsamiq Mockup macro. It only displays the image preview of the mockup. Global
msStreamMicrosoft StreamEmbed a Microsoft Stream video in a page by simply passing the URL and any customization parameters.Global
multimediaLegacy unprefixed Confluence bridge for MultimediaDeprecatedLegacy Unprefixed Confluence Bridge for the Multimedia macro.Global
net-presago-stream-macroLegacy Confluence bridge for Microsoft StreamDeprecatedLegacy Confluence bridge for Microsoft Stream.
noteLegacy unprefixed Confluence bridge for NoteDeprecatedLegacy Unprefixed Confluence bridge for the Note macro to the XWiki Success macroGlobal
notificationsNotificationsNotificationsDisplay notifications about events happened on the wiki.Current Wiki
notificationsApplicationsPreferencesNotifications Applications PreferencesNotificationsDisplay the preferences of the current user about notification applications.Current Wiki
notificationsAutoWatchPreferencesNotifications Auto Watch PreferencesNotificationsDisplay the preferences of the current user about auto watched pages.Current Wiki
notificationsCustomFiltersPreferencesNotifications Custom Filters PreferencesNotificationsDisplay the preferences of the given user about custom notification filters.Current Wiki
notificationsEmailPreferencesNotifications Email PreferencesNotificationsDisplay the preferences of the current user about notification emails.Current Wiki
notificationsFiltersPreferencesNotifications Filters Preferences (deprecated)NotificationsDisplay the preferences of the current user about notification filters.
This macro is now deprecated in favor of Custom Notifications Filters Preferences or System Notifications Filters Preferences.
Current Wiki
notificationsSystemFiltersPreferencesNotifications System Filters PreferencesNotificationsDisplay the preferences of the given user about system notification filters.Current Wiki
officeOffice Document ViewerContentView office attachments (doc, ppt, xls, odt, odp, ods etc.) inside wiki pages without downloading or importing them.Global
pagetreeLegacy unprefixed Confluence bridge for Page TreeDeprecatedLegacy Unprefixed Confluence Bridge for the Confluence Page Tree macro to the XWiki documentTree macro.Global
panelPanel MacroPanel macro to display XWiki content inside a panel.Current Wiki
paste-code-macroLegacy unprefixed Confluence bridge for Paste Code MacroDeprecatedLegacy Unprefixed Confluence bridge for the Confluence Paste Code macro to the XWiki Code macroGlobal
pdftocPDF Table of ContentsInternalGenerates the table of contents for the PDF export.Global
pdfviewerPDF ViewerContentPDF Viewer based on Mozilla pdf.jsGlobal
profile-pictureProfile PictureConfluence Profile Picture macroGlobal
putFootnotesPut FootnotesContentDisplays all the footnotes from the page. If missing, all footnotes are displayed by default at the end of the page.Global
pythonPythonDevelopmentExecutes a python script.Global
recently-updatedRecently UpdatedAdd the Recently Updated macro to a page to show a list of pages, blogs, files, and comments that have been created or edited recently. This is great for project landing, information pages, or team space home pages. It's very flexible, you can limit the list to specific people, spaces, types of content, and more.Current Wiki
scriptScriptDevelopmentExecute script in provided script language.Global
sectionConfluence bridge for SectionDeprecatedConfluence bridge for the Section macro.Global
show-ifShow ifContentShow the content of this macro if the condition set through the parameters is met.Global
spaceindexSpace IndexDeprecatedLists the pages in a space.Current Wiki
spacesSpacesDeprecatedDisplays all the spaces in this wiki.Current Wiki
statusStatusInsert a colored label in the text to highlight the status of an item.Current Wiki
successSuccess MessageFormattingDisplays a success message note.Global
tabTabContentTab element for the tab group macro. This is expected to be put as the tab-group macro content.Global
tab-groupTab groupContentThe main macro which group tab macro elements.Global
tagcloudTag CloudContentDisplays the cloud of tags in this wiki or in the specified space, if any.Current Wiki
tagListTag listShow a list of all the macros in your instance.Global
teamTeamDisplay avatars of the members of a team.Current Wiki
templateTemplateDevelopmentInsert a template.Global
timeLegacy Confluence bridge for TimeDeprecatedLegacy Confluence bridge for TimeCurrent Wiki
tipLegacy unprefixed Confluence bridge for TipDeprecatedLegacy Unprefixed Confluence bridge for the Tip macro to the XWiki Success macroGlobal
tocTable of contentsNavigationGenerates a table of contents.Global
translationTranslationContentDisplay a translation message.Global
treeTreeNavigationDisplays a tree hierarchy defined by the macro content or the source parameter.Current Wiki
uiextensionUI ExtensionDevelopmentInsert a UI extension.Global
uiextensionsUI ExtensionsDevelopmentInsert UI extensions.Global
useravatarUser AvatarContentAllows displaying the avatar for a specific user.Global
userListUser ListContentDisplays a list of users with a customizable set of their propertiesGlobal
userlisterLegacy Confluence bridge for User ListerLegacy Confluence bridge for User Lister.Current Wiki
userProfileUser ProfileContentDisplays a user profile with custom propertiesGlobal
velocityVelocityDevelopmentExecutes a Velocity script.Global
view-fileView FilesShow files using PDF Viewer Macro or Office ViewerCurrent Wiki
viewdocLegacy Confluence bridge for View Office WordDeprecatedLegacy Confluence bridge for View Office Word.Current Wiki
viewpdfLegacy Confluence bridge for View PDFDeprecatedLegacy Confluence bridge for View PDF.Current Wiki
viewpptLegacy Confluence bridge for View Office PowerPointDeprecatedLegacy Confluence bridge for View Office PowerPoint.Current Wiki
viewxlsLegacy Confluence bridge for View Office ExcelDeprecatedLegacy Confluence bridge for View Office Excel.Current Wiki
warningWarning MessageFormattingDisplays a warning message note.Global
wikimacrocontentWikiMacro ContentDevelopmentDisplay editable content of a wikimacro.Global
wikimacroparameterWikiMacro ParameterDevelopmentDisplay editable parameter of a wikimacro.Global
wikisWikisNavigationList all wikisCurrent Wiki
wireframeLegacy unprefixed Confluence bridge for Balsamiq WireframeDeprecatedLegacy Unprefixed Confluence Bridge for the Balsamiq Wireframe macro. It only displays the image preview of the wireframe.Global
workspacesWorkspaces (Legacy)DeprecatedDeprecated macro that should not be used here for compatibility reasons. Please use the "wikis" macro instead.Current Wiki