Why Migrating to MOXodusPersitenceProvider?

Migration Tasks

In your main agent code, first add the member moXodusPersistenceProvider and initialise it as follows:

public class SampleAgent implements AgentStateListener<AgentConfigManager> { // <--- UPDATE THIS LINE
    private MOXodusPersistence moXodusPersistence;   // <--- ADD THIS LINE

// Enclose the following code block (most likely part of the constructor) that loads the default configuration with the following if-statement:

        // load initial configuration from properties file only if there is no persistent data for the default context:
        moXodusPersistence = new MOXodusPersistence(moServers, Environments.newInstance(configFile));  // <--- ADD THIS LINE
        if (!moXodusPersistence.isContextLoadable(null)) {                                             // <--- ADD THIS LINE
            InputStream configInputStream =
            if (args.containsKey("cfg")) {
                String configFilename = (String) ArgumentParser.getValue(args, "cfg", 0);
                try {
                    configInputStream = new FileInputStream(configFilename);
                } catch (FileNotFoundException ex1) {
                    logger.error("Config file '" + configFilename + "' not found: " + ex1.getMessage(), ex1);
                    throw new RuntimeException(ex1);
            final Properties props = new Properties();
            try {
            } catch (IOException ex) {
            configurationFactory = () -> new PropertyMOInput(props, agent);

The AgentConfigManager call will be the same as before except that the moXodusPersistenceProvider is used now:

        MOXodusPersistenceProvider moXodusPersistenceProvider = new MOXodusPersistenceProvider(moXodusPersistence); // <--- ADD THIS LINE
        OctetString defaultEngineID = new OctetString(MPv3.createLocalEngineID());
        OctetString engineID = moXodusPersistenceProvider.getEngineId(defaultEngineID);
        SnmpConfigurator snmpConfigurator = new SnmpConfigurator(true);
        agent = new AgentConfigManager(
                ThreadPool.create("SampleAgent", 3),
                moXodusPersistenceProvider, moXodusPersistenceProvider, null, dhKickstartParameters) { // <--- UPDATE THIS LINE

            protected Session createSnmpSession(MessageDispatcher dispatcher) {
                Session session = super.createSnmpSession(dispatcher);
                snmpConfigurator.configure(session, getUsm(), messageDispatcher, args);
                return session;

The following callback method needs to be added to the main class in order to be able to compile the last code line from the above snippet: 

     * The agent state has changed to the new state as provided.
     * @param agentConfigManager
     *         the agent's configuration manager. Use this object to access all agent resources, if needed to process this
     *         event.
     * @param newState
     *         the new state of the agent. Although the listener may advance to agent state further, it is not recommended
     *         to do so, because the {@link AgentConfigManager} will do it anyway.
    public void agentStateChanged(AgentConfigManager agentConfigManager, AgentState newState) {
        switch (newState.getState()) {
            case AgentState.STATE_INITIALIZED:
            case AgentState.STATE_SHUTDOWN:

That's all.

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