Reading this article is recommended if you want to use SNMP4J-Agent Manged Objects (MIB) objects like MOScalar and MOTable with multiple SNMPv3 contexts in your agent.


In SNMPv3 the concept of using contexts is generally used to separate MIB data into different virtual MIBs named by the context name. As a consequence, a basic requirement for the MIB instrumentation is, that the data content is separated by the contexts. With SNMP4J-Agent you have basically three options to realize this requirement:

  1. For each context create a separate ManagedObject instance and register it with the target context using MOServer.register.
  2. Use the same ManagedObject instance for all target contexts by calling MOServer.register repeatedly for each context with the same instance. The single instance is then responsible to deliver and update its content (MIB data) based on the context information given in the ManagedObject.get, .next, .prepare, .commit, .undo, and .cleanup SubRequest parameter in the MOScope (in fact it is then a MOContextScope) member.

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