/** * Copyright Text */ package org.snmp4j.agent.tutorial; //|:AgenPro|=_BEGIN //|AgenPro:| import java.io.*; import java.text.*; import java.util.*; import org.snmp4j.*; import org.snmp4j.agent.*; import org.snmp4j.agent.cfg.*; import org.snmp4j.agent.io.*; import org.snmp4j.agent.io.prop.*; import org.snmp4j.agent.tutorial.impl.Snmp4JAgentTutorialFileTreeBUModel; import org.snmp4j.mp.*; import org.snmp4j.smi.*; import org.snmp4j.transport.*; import org.snmp4j.util.*; import org.snmp4j.security.SecurityProtocols; import org.snmp4j.log.LogFactory; import org.snmp4j.log.LogAdapter; import org.snmp4j.log.JavaLogFactory; import org.snmp4j.agent.mo.util.VariableProvider; import org.snmp4j.agent.request.SubRequest; import org.snmp4j.agent.request.RequestStatus; import org.snmp4j.agent.request.Request; import org.snmp4j.agent.request.SubRequestIterator; import org.snmp4j.agent.mo.DefaultMOFactory; import org.snmp4j.agent.mo.MOTableRowListener; import org.snmp4j.agent.mo.MOTableRowEvent; import org.snmp4j.agent.mo.snmp.TimeStamp; import org.snmp4j.agent.mo.MOMutableTableRow; import org.snmp4j.agent.mo.MOFactory; //|:AgenPro|=import //|AgenPro:| public class Agent implements VariableProvider { static { LogFactory.setLogFactory(new JavaLogFactory()); } private static final String DEFAULT_CL_PARAMETERS = "-c[s{=Agent.cfg}] -bc[s{=Agent.bc}]"; private static final String DEFAULT_CL_COMMANDS = "#address[s{=udp:}<(udp|tcp):.*[/[0-9]+]?>] .."; private LogAdapter logger = LogFactory.getLogger(Agent.class); protected AgentConfigManager agent; protected MOServer server; private String configFile; private File bootCounterFile; // supported MIBs protected Modules modules; public Agent(Map args) { configFile = (String)((List)args.get("c")).get(0); bootCounterFile = new File((String)((List)args.get("bc")).get(0)); server = new DefaultMOServer(); MOServer[] moServers = new MOServer[] { server }; InputStream configInputStream = Agent.class.getResourceAsStream("AgentConfig.properties"); if (configInputStream == null) { System.err.println("Unable to load AgentConfig.properties. File not found. Aborting"); System.exit(1); } final Properties props = new Properties(); try { props.load(configInputStream); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } MOInputFactory configurationFactory = new MOInputFactory() { public MOInput createMOInput() { return new PropertyMOInput(props, Agent.this); } }; MessageDispatcher messageDispatcher = new MessageDispatcherImpl(); addListenAddresses(messageDispatcher, (List)args.get("address")); agent = new AgentConfigManager(new OctetString(MPv3.createLocalEngineID()), messageDispatcher, null, moServers, ThreadPool.create("Agent", 3), configurationFactory, new DefaultMOPersistenceProvider(moServers, configFile), new EngineBootsCounterFile(bootCounterFile)); } protected void addListenAddresses(MessageDispatcher md, List addresses) { for (Iterator it = addresses.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Address address = GenericAddress.parse((String)it.next()); TransportMapping tm = TransportMappings.getInstance().createTransportMapping(address); if (tm != null) { md.addTransportMapping(tm); } else { logger.warn("No transport mapping available for address '"+ address+"'."); } } } public void run() { // initialize agent before registering our own modules agent.initialize(); // this requires sysUpTime to be available. registerMIBs(); // add proxy forwarder agent.setupProxyForwarder(); // now continue agent setup and launch it. agent.run(); } /** * Get the {@link MOFactory} that creates the various MOs (MIB Objects). * @return * a {@link DefaultMOFactory} instance by default. */ protected MOFactory getFactory() { return new Snmp4jAgentTutorialFactory(); } /** * Register your own MIB modules in the specified context of the agent. * The {@link MOFactory} provided to the Modules constructor * is returned by {@link #getFactory()}. */ protected void registerMIBs() { if (modules == null) { modules = new Modules(getFactory()); } try { modules.registerMOs(server, null); } catch (DuplicateRegistrationException drex) { logger.error("Duplicate registration: "+drex.getMessage()+"."+ " MIB object registration may be incomplete!", drex); } // link related MIB objects ((Snmp4JAgentTutorialFileTreeBUModel)modules.getSnmp4jAgentTutorialMib(). getSnmp4jAgentTutorialFileTreeBUEntry().getModel()). setRootPathScalar(modules.getSnmp4jAgentTutorialMib().getSnmp4jAgentTutorialFileTreeBURootPath()); } public Variable getVariable(String name) { OID oid; OctetString context = null; int pos = name.indexOf(':'); if (pos >= 0) { context = new OctetString(name.substring(0, pos)); oid = new OID(name.substring(pos+1, name.length())); } else { oid = new OID(name); } final DefaultMOContextScope scope = new DefaultMOContextScope(context, oid, true, oid, true); MOQuery query = new DefaultMOQuery(scope, false, this); ManagedObject mo = server.lookup(query); if (mo != null) { final VariableBinding vb = new VariableBinding(oid); final RequestStatus status = new RequestStatus(); SubRequest req = new SubRequest() { private boolean completed; private MOQuery query; public boolean hasError() { return false; } public void setErrorStatus(int errorStatus) { status.setErrorStatus(errorStatus); } public int getErrorStatus() { return status.getErrorStatus(); } public RequestStatus getStatus() { return status; } public MOScope getScope() { return scope; } public VariableBinding getVariableBinding() { return vb; } public Request getRequest() { return null; } public Object getUndoValue() { return null; } public void setUndoValue(Object undoInformation) { } public void completed() { completed = true; } public boolean isComplete() { return completed; } public void setTargetMO(ManagedObject managedObject) { } public ManagedObject getTargetMO() { return null; } public int getIndex() { return 0; } public void setQuery(MOQuery query) { this.query = query; } public MOQuery getQuery() { return query; } public SubRequestIterator repetitions() { return null; } public void updateNextRepetition() { } public Object getUserObject() { return null; } public void setUserObject(Object userObject) { } }; mo.get(req); return vb.getVariable(); } return null; } public AgentConfigManager getAgentConfigManager() { return agent; } private static void defaultMain(String args[]) { ArgumentParser parser = new ArgumentParser(DEFAULT_CL_PARAMETERS, DEFAULT_CL_COMMANDS); Map commandLineParameters = null; try { commandLineParameters = parser.parse(args); Agent agent = new Agent(commandLineParameters); // Add all available security protocols (e.g. SHA,MD5,DES,AES,3DES,..) SecurityProtocols.getInstance().addDefaultProtocols(); // configure system group: // Set system description: // sampleAgent.agent.getSysDescr().setValue("My system description".getBytes()); // Set system OID (= OID of the AGENT-CAPABILITIES statement describing // the implemented MIB objects of this agent: // sampleAgent.agent.getSysOID().setValue(""); // Set the system services // sampleAgent.agent.getSysServices().setValue(72); agent.run(); // Fire a sample named trap generated by AgenPro: // agent.modules.getIfMib().fireLinkDownIf10001(agent.server, // agent.agent.getNotificationOriginator(), null, null); } catch (ParseException ex) { System.err.println(ex.getMessage()); } } /** * Runs a sample agent with a default configuration defined by * AgentConfig.properties. A sample command line is: *
   * -c Agent.cfg -bc Agent.bc udp: tcp:
* * @param args * the command line arguments defining at least the listen addresses. * The format is -c[s{=Agent.cfg}] -bc[s{=Agent.bc}] * #address[s<(udp|tcp):.*[/[0-9]+]?>] ... For the format * description see {@link ArgumentParser}. */ public static void main(String[] args) { //|:AgenPro|=main defaultMain(args); //|AgenPro:| } }