Last modified by Frank Fock on 2024/05/25 10:51

SNMP4J Command-Line Tool, version 3.5.x


java -SNMP4J-CLT.jar help <command>

for help on a specific command.

java -jar SNMP4J-CLT.jar example <command>

for examples on a specific command.

java -jar SNMP4J-CLT.jar version

to see the program version.

java -jar SNMP4J-CLT.jar -L "<license>" "<key>" defaults list

to register your license (you then do not need to enter it for subsequent commands).

Most commands take agent address and OID list arguments. A list of the
available options for each command is listed after the command description.
The description of all options follows the command list.

Standard parameter formats are:


  1. An object identifier is either a dotted notation like ''.
  2. An object name with dotted numeric suffix like 'IF-MIB:ifDescr.0' or 'sysName' (requires MIB information).
  3. An columnar OBJECT-TYPE name with formatted index, e.g. vacmAccessContextMatch."v3group"."".3.'authPriv(3)' (requires MIB information).

<address>: [upd:|tcp:]<host>[/<port>]
Host is either an IP address or hostname and port is the SNMP port
of the target SNMP entity.

    create-snapshot <file> <address> <OID>

    defaults <action>




    dump-snapshot <file>

    example <command>

    get <address> <OID> [..]

    [-Cr <repeaters>] [-Cn <non-repeaters>] getbulk <address> <OID> [..]

    getnext <address> <OID> [..]

    help [command]|all

    inform <address> <OID>={<type>}<value> [..]


    listen <address>

    mib <action> [<mib>]

    add    <mib-file>

    del    <mib-module-name>


    oid [find|find-by-descr] <regex>

    find    oid find <regex>

    find-by-descr    oid find-by-descr <regex>

    set <address> <OID>={<type>}<value> [..]

    smi <OID> [..]

    table <address> <OID> [..]

    [-To <notificationID>] trap <address> <OID>={<type>}<value> [..]

    usmKey auth|priv|authPriv <address> <oldpwd> <newpwd> [<user>]

    auth    usmDHKey auth <address> [<user>]

    priv    usmDHKey priv <address> [<user>]

    authPriv    usmDHKey authPriv <address> [<user>]

    usmDHKickstartInit -privateKeysFile <> <address> [<user> ..]

    usmDHKickstartRun -privateKeysFile <> <address> [<user> ..]

    usmKey auth|priv|authPriv <address> <old> <new> [<user>]

    auth    usmKey auth <address> <old> <new> [<user>]

    priv    usmKey priv <address> <old> <new> [<user>]

    authPriv    usmKey authPriv <address> <oldpwd> <newpwd> [<user>]

    usmUser create|delete <address> <user> [<cloneFromUser> [<cloneFromEngineID>]]

    create    [-CE <usmUserEngineID>] [-createAndWait] usmUser create <address> <user> [<cloneFromUser> [<cloneFromEngineID>]]

    delete    [-CE <usmUserEngineID>] usmUser delete <address> <user>

    -Te eid -Ts sid -Tg gid -Ta addr v1trap <address> <OID>={<type>}<value> [..]


    walk <address> <OID>

    xml <output-dir>

    -A    authPassphrase    Set the authentication pass phrase for
                            authenticated SNMPv3 messages.
    -CB                     Display brief column headers. Common prefixes will
                            be dropped.
    -CE   usmUserTableEngineID Set usmUserTableEngineID to be used as part of
                            the index of the usmUserTable. Default is to use
                            the authoritative engine ID (set via -e or probed)
                            as the usmUserTableEngineID.
    -CH                     Do not display column headers.
    -Cb   bufferSize        The number of table rows to buffer before computing
                            column sizes.
    -Cc   columnWidth       Print table columns with specified character width.
    -Cf   columnSeparator   Separate table columns with the specified separator
                            string. The table is printed in compact form. By
                            default, columns are separated by spaces and
    -Ch                     Display only column headers.
    -Ci                     Prepend the index for each printed row.
    -Cil  lowerBoundIndex   Set the lower bound index for TABLE operations.
    -Ciu  upperBoundIndex   Set the upper bound index for TABLE operations.
    -Cl                     Left justify all cells when printing a table.
    -Cn   non-repeaters     Set the non-repeaters field for GETBULK PDUs. It
                            specifies the number of supplied variables that
                            should not be iterated over. The default is 0.
    -Cr   max-repetitions   Set the max-repetitions field for GETBULK PDUs.
                            This specifies the maximum number of iterations
                            over the repeating variables. The default is 10.
    -Cw                     Specify the line width when printing tables keyStoreFile The key store file with SSL keys for
                            the TLS protocol. keyStorePassword The password for the key
                            store file with SSL keys for TLS. keyStoreFile The trust store file with trusted
                            (public) SSL keys for the TLS protocol. keyStorePassword The password for the
                            trust store file.
    -Dn                     Do not use any default option values stored in
    -E    contextEngineID   Set the context engine ID used for the SNMPv3
                            scoped PDU. The authoritative engine ID will be
                            used for the context engine ID, if the latter is
                            not specified.
    -L    license key       Specify license and associated key. The license
                            info will be saved in the SNMP4J-CLT config file in
                            your home directory. Enter each license part
                            enclosed in quotes, for example by '-L "b6 80 4d 68
                            3a 8 c0 f4" "O?fWO-3s"'
    -M    mibRepositoryPath Set the path to the MIB repository to be used to
                            resolve object names (OIDs) and parse/format object
                            values ('repository' is the default). The
                            repository directory must contain compiled MIB
                            modules files only.
    -Oesc escapeCharacter   Escape character used in non-printable OCTET-STRING
                            values to print them as strings (instead of
                            hex-strings). Default is '_' and 'x' disables
                            escaping and enables hex-string output.
    -Ors  maxSizeRespPDU    The maximum size of the response PDU in bytes.
    -OtCSV                  For each SNMP row received exactly one row of comma
                            separated values will be printed to the console
                            where the first column contains the row index.
    -Otd                    Activates dense table operation mode which improves
                            table retrieval performance on regular (dense)
                            tables. This option must not be used with sparse
    -Otmr tableMaxRows      Specifies the maximum number of table rows to
                            retrieve (default is no limit: 0).
    -OttCSV                 Same as -OtCSV except that each row's first column
                            will report the current time (millis after
                            1.1.1970) when the request has been sent.
    -Ta   agentAddress      Set the agent address field of a V1TRAP PDU. The
                            default value is ''.
    -Te   enterpriseOID     Set the enterprise OID field of a V1TRAP PDU.
    -Tg   genericID         Set the generic ID for SNMPv1 TRAPs (V1TRAP). The
                            default is 0 (coldStart).
    -To   trapOID           Sets the trapOID ( of an
                            INFORM or TRAP PDU. The default is
    -Ts   specificID        Set the specific ID for V1TRAP PDU. The default is
    -Tu   upTime            Set the sysUpTime field of an INFORM, TRAP, or
                            V1TRAP PDU.
    -Y    privacyPassphrase Set the privacy pass phrase for encrypted SNMPv3
    -a    authProtocol      Set the authentication protocol used to
                            authenticate SNMPv3 messages. Valid values are MD5
                            and SHA, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512.
    -b    bindAddress       Set local interface and port to use for outgoing
                            SNMP messages. By default, this is (host
                            chosen port on all local IPv4 addresses).
    -bc   engineBootCount   Set the engine boot count to the specified value
                            greater or equal to zero. Default is zero.
    -c    community         Set the community for SNMPv1/v2c messages.
    -createAndWait          Use the createAndWait(5) RowStatus to create new
                            rows instead of createAndGo(4) which might not be
                            supported on certain devices.
    -d    debugLevel        Set the global debug level for Log4J logging
                            output. Valid values are OFF, ERROR, WARN, INFO,
                            and DEBUG.
    -dhp  usmDHParameters   The octet string (provided as colon separated
                            hexadecimal string) containing the BER encoded
                            ASN.1 sequence of prime (p) and base (g) as defined
                            by RFC2786 usmDHParamters OBJECT-TYPE. The default
                            value is (without line breaks):

    -dhx  diffieHellmanPropertyPrefix The property prefix used with the
                            privateKeysFile for the usmDHKickstartInit and
                            usmDHKickstartRun commands. By default
                            'org.snmp4j.' is used.
    -dtls-version dtlsVersion Specifies the DTLS version to use. Possible
                            values are DTLSv1.0 and DTLSv1.2 (default).
    -e    engineID          Set the authoritative engine ID of the command
                            responder used for SNMPv3 request messages. If not
                            supplied, the engine ID will be discovered.
    -f    1|2|3|4           Set the OID output format, where 1 = numeric, 2 =
                            last name and numeric index, 3 = last name and
                            formatted index without quoting, and 4 = last name
                            and formatted index including hex-formatting of
                            non-printable strings. The default is 4.
    -h    windowSize        Set the window height in rows. If the value is
                            greater than zero, every windowSize rows the user
                            is prompted to continue output. Default is zero.
    -ilo                    Do not check for lexicographic ordering errors
                            while walking a subtree. Using this option may
                            cause endless looping if an agent does not
                            implement lexicographic ordering correctly!
    -l    localEngineID     Set the local engine ID of the command generator
                            and the notification receiver used for SNMPv3
                            request messages. This option can be used to avoid
                            engine ID clashes through duplicate IDs leading to
                            usmStatsNotInTimeWindows reports.
    -m    mibModuleName     Load the specified MIB module from the MIB
                            repository specified by the -M option. The
                            mibModuleName can be a regular expression, e.g. use
                            'SNMPv2-.*' to load all MIB modules in the
                            repository that start with 'SNMPv2-'.
    -n    contextName       Set the target context name for SNMPv3 messages.
                            Default is the empty string.
    -p                      Dump sent and received packets as hex string.
    -r    retries           Set the number of retries used for requests. A zero
                            value will send out a request exactly once. Default
                            is 1.
    -rsl  low|basic|secure  Set the security level strategy for auto-responses
                            to REPORT PDUs The default is 'low' for better
                            error handling. Use 'secure' for max. security
                            (i.e. never send noAuthNoPriv). The basic level is
                            conforming to RFC 3412 and 3414 allowing
                            'noAuthNoPriv' for engine ID discovery and wrong
                            username reports.
    -s                      Suppress any output on stderr (silent mode).
    -t    timeout           Set the timeout in milliseconds between retries.
                            Default is 1000 milliseconds.
    -tls-cert-fingerprint certFingerprint The fingerprint of the trusted
                            certificate presented by the remote SNMP engine as
                            hex string. If the fingerprint does not match,
                            connection will not be established. Use this option
                            with the "tls:" or "dtls:" transport domain.
    -tls-local-id certAlias The local certificate alias identity which selects
                            a certificate chain from the local key store. Only
                            the selected certificate chain will be presented to
                            the remote SNMP engine. Use this option with the
                            "tls:" or "dtls:" transport domain.
    -tls-peer-id subjectDN  The subject DN (e.g., ",
                            C=US, CN=My Name") of the trusted certificate
                            presented by the remote SNMP engine ID. Use this
                            option with the "tls:" or "dtls:" transport domain.
    -tls-trust-ca issuerDN  The issuer DN (e.g., "Company Name CA") of a
                            trusted certification authority (CA) presented by
                            the remote SNMP engine ID for TLS and DTLS.
    -tls-version tlsVersion The TLS version to use with the 'tls:' transport
                            protocol. Currently only 'TLSv1', 'TLSv1.1', and
                            'TLSv1.2' are supported with Java 7 or later.
                            'TLSv1' is the default which is supported with Java
                            6 too.
    -u    securityName      Set the security name for authenticated v3
    -v    1|2c|3            Set the SNMP protocol version to be used. Default
                            is 3.
    -w    consoleWidth      Specifies the width of the console output, default
                            is 80 characters.
    -y    privacyProtocol   Set the privacy protocol to be used to encrypt
                            SNMPv3 messages. Valid values are DES, AES
                            (AES128), AES192, AES256, AES192p, AES256p, and
                            3DES(DESEDE). The AES protocols that end with 'p'
                            (for proprietary) are using a non-standardized key
                            extension algorithm from 3DES.