Create MIB Specification with MIB Designer

Last modified by Frank Fock on 2024/05/25 11:17

Install MIB Designer

  1. Install (run) MIB Designer using Java WebStart if supported by your system from here. Alternatively run java -jar mibdesigner.jar on the command line. 

Create new New MIB Module

  1. Click Yes if asked if you want to create a new MIB module using the New MIB Wizard or alternatively choose File>New.
  2. Specify the object name prefix and the MIB module name for the new MIB module:
  3. Specify the root OID in wizard step 2 (here you will have to choose your own values):
  4. Specify that a basic object structure should be created:
  5. Edit the MIB module node. It is the top-most node that does not have a folder icon. Add organization, contact-info, and description. Do not add REVISION information now, because that would already release the module.
  6. Create your MIB objects. Typically you define the structure of your MIB module with OBECT-IDENTIFIER and the content with OBJECT-tYPE instances:
  7. Once you added your objects, you need to reference them to object groups in the conformance section of your MIB module:
  8. Check your MIB module with View>Check (not necessary if auto-check is enabled) and remove any errors.
  9. Release the MIB module by adding a new REVISION entry in the MIB module node:
  10. Check again the MIB module with View>Check (not necessary if auto-check is enabled) and remove any errors.
  11. Save the new MIB module with File>Save.
  12. Export the new MIB module as text file (backup and for usage with non-AGENT++ tools) with File>Export MIB as.