How-to implement pseudo-synchronous (queued) instrumentation with AGENT++?

Last modified by Frank Fock on 2024/05/25 09:51


The standard and easy way of instrumenting a MibLeaf object is synchronous value update which is outlined below:

void myMibObject::get_request(Request* reqint ind)
        //--AgentGen BEGIN=myMibObject::get_request

        // Call my function here, return s, and put it into value by calling set_state(s)
        // Then continue the get request which calls the SnmpDisplayString::get_request(req, ind) below...

        //--AgentGen END
        SnmpDisplayString::get_request(req, ind);


Some people might want to asynchronously retrieve requested values. An intuitial approach could read as follows:

void myMibObject::get_request(Request* reqint ind)
        //--AgentGen BEGIN=myMibObject::get_request
        // Callback ptr = &SnmpDisplayString::get_request(req, ind);
        // Put req, pdu and callback_ptr into a message structure and send that in a message to the queue of another task.
        // do not return any value now (won't be up-to-date)
        if (FALSE)
        //--AgentGen END
        SnmpDisplayString::get_request(req, ind);


The problem with the above approach is: It will not work with AGENT++ (at least not without additional coding)!


OK, so how can asynchronous or pseudo-synchronous processing a SNMP request be implemented with AGENT++?
The answer is, there are at least two approaches:

  1. Asynchronous (concurrent) processing of all sub-requests with reprocessing of the request when a sub-task associated with sub-request has completed.
  2. Pseudo-synchronous processing of each sub-request sequentially.


The real asynchronous approach has been implemented by AgentX++ in order to be able to concurrently process sub-requests on several sub-agents (or a single multi-threaded sub-agent).


The pseudo-synchronous approach allows queued instrumentation while answering the SNMP request is done synchronously. That means, all sub-requests are processed in the order as they occur in the original SNMP request.

To implement this solution you need:

  1. An OidList<RequestID> to associate the processed Request...
  2. The Request pointer which extends Synchronized and can therefore by used to wait with timeout until another thread notifies it.
  3. A pointer to the RequestList to be able to lookup the pending Request to be notified when the instrumentation code finishes.
int agentppTestRowCreation::commit_set_request(Request* reqint ind)
    //--AgentGen BEGIN=agentppTestRowCreation::commit_set_request
    unsigned long val;
    Vbx vb(req->get_value(ind));
    Oidx rowIndex;
    rowIndex += val;
    if (agentppTestSharedEntry::instance->
        pending_row_ops.find(&rowIndex)) {

    // double check for duplicate row (has already been checked in prepare
    if (agentppTestSharedEntry::instance->find_index(rowIndex)) {

    // allocate index and then register and add the row in a background thread
    if (!agentppTestSharedEntry::instance->allocate_index(rowIndex)) {
      *((Gauge32*)value) = 0;
    else {
        pending_row_ops.add(new RequestID(req->get_request_id(), rowIndex));
      // wait until row has been registered at master agent
      if (req->wait(AGENTX_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT*1000)) {
        return SNMP_ERROR_COMITFAIL;
    //--AgentGen END
    return MibLeaf::commit_set_request(req, ind);


The background thread creates the new row in the agentppTestSharedEntry table and then calls the row_added method listed below:

void agentppTestSharedEntry::row_added(MibTableRow* rowconst Oidx& index, MibTable* src)
    // The row 'row' with 'index' has been added to the table.
    //--AgentGen BEGIN=agentppTestSharedEntry::row_added
    Oidx rowIndex(index);
    RequestID* req_id = pending_row_ops.find(&rowIndex);
    if (req_id) {
      RequestList* req_list = 
      if (req_list) {
        Request* req = req_list->get_request(req_id->get_request_id());
        if (req) {
          // signal success
          LOG_BEGIN(EVENT_LOG | 3);
          LOG("agentppTestSharedEntry: row_added: AgentX row successfully registered (index)(request_id)");
    //--AgentGen END